Traveling in India is very adventurous & exciting. It is a place where many story unfolds between them. Anyone can get any type of excitement joy which they are looking for. I am also an Indian, I used to travel a lot of places. I completed around 25 states of it. I got many more experiences there. Traveling here is much more awesome. I used to that. But I want to share about or my purpose of write here is about that important things we have to know before traveling in India for expats & Indians also.

>>Give more time to one place, rather than trying to cover more places.

In my suggestion that you have to visit one place at a time means give more time to travel one place rather than you want to travel a lot of places which you will spend less time while covering each places.

 In all places you got something behind that place i mean history of that. So if you cover it one by time so you can get to know more about that places history. So I suggest not to cancel plans , just modify it where you can get more time for one place.

>>Be prepared for get new culture shocks.

As all know India is very famous for its culture. You got 30 states here but you can get more culture from it. For that anywhere anyone can get culture shocks. I think it's common to get through new culture here. When I traveled at first I also got to see more cultures in many places Also it felt to me like new adventure. Mostly if someone travel through train they can get more culture to see. Like train is very good source for a large number of people to travel so anyone can get to see more new type of people. So I simply say don't worry about it too much just before start of your journey set your mind to see new culture. 

>> Always travel with your precautions medicines

I won't say much about this. Always bring precaution medicines while you traveling. When you set your luggage add this with that. Here mostly you pack headache medicine,diarrhea medicines, vomit medicines & also a pain relief spray. It will be very useful with your journey. I also use these medicines when I travel in India.

>> Travel outside the city sometime like villages..

It's my suggestion for all once in your travel time just go outside from cities to some small village to see their life style, culture & many more things. Anyway all of us love to travel throughout the cities mostly we Indians, But what just try to spend some time out of the city & visit some small rural villages , where you can see the pace of life is slower than what you see in the cities. You can also get free air , see new religions , if you are lucky then you can see some local village festivals where you can know more about the culture & lifestyle of them..

>> Dress conservatively..

I won't say it will inappropriate to wear any type of clothes here. But I will suggest that dress conservatively where all ports cover if not you can draw a lot of unwanted attention to yourself which kind of fell awkward. And one most important thing If someone visit temple just remove your shoes before entry. It's our culture. You can see sign boards about to keep your shoes outside.

>>Get A New SIM Card.

For Indians it is not necessary to buy a new SIM. Now a days 1 SIM is for all states. So this post is only for foreigners or expats who come to travel it is better for them if they buy a new SIM. If they use here's network carrier as international SIM then call charges , data costs are cheaper than their SIM. So it's better to get a new one.

>>Watch Out For Pickpockets.

As it know that India's population is very high as it is the 2nd highest in the world. So it is very common to someone lost something or theft by someone. Mainly in crowded places there are many chances you can get pickpocket. So anytime where you travel just watch out for that because it happens a lot in someplace.

>> Adjust To Things That Don't Happen On Time...

It is for all that they have to adjust to it. For us it is common to happen. But for outsiders they have a habit about all things like trains,buses, etc come on right time but here in India they have to adjust to it. Sometime it is about right time or sometime they can get it late. So keep patience & adjust to it.

>>Eat With Bare Hands..

We all Indians normally eat with bare hands.For foreigners who don't eat with bare hand they have to adjust because it is not always easy to find a suitable place to eat while you on your journey so they have to adjust a little. It is not too hard by the way. 

>> On Your Guard While Exchanging Money.

It is very necessary to be on your guard while exchanging money. Be aware that in many places that exchanges money gonna cost you higher. Such as at airport if you exchange it is gonna cost you very high like they gonna rip you off your money.(No offense to anyone). It's best to withdraw it from ATMs or from banks. But anyone should do what they comfortable with..

>> Careful On Your Sidewalk..

It is always need to know to be careful on your sidewalk. A lot of cities here have sidewalk but that doesn't mean that you will work freely. The street is too crowed. You can see the street is full of cows, motorbikes, cars, rickshaws , stray cats, dogs , people trying to move out without cuddling each other. This is why watch your feet when you are walking & be aware of your surroundings.

Last but not least the real thing is that traveling in India is a lot more challenging. You might find yourself overwhelmed & exhausted at times. So it's very important to take care of yourself, your health, your surroundings etc. But all the challenges you face gonna worth for your travel.

Although I'm from India, I also got sometime exhausted while walking on the street or in some awkward place. Sometime I feel a bit challenging to handle some situations. But from all of my journey & experience I just got to learn that I'm very amazed & all the hard work I put into it were worth every penny of it. For Indians it's a lot easy to travel in their home country than foreigners. But what happens from my all experiences I will tell travel anytime you get a chance.

Here some pics of my traveling;



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