Who doesn't love to travel??

All loves to travel. For me it's the greatest adventure.

"Traveling - It leaves you speechless & turns you into a storyteller."

Here I want specialize about the five most important reasons why people love to travel..

When it comes to my mind & experiences i want to say the first reason is having new adventure.

1.Having new adventures

Peoples love so much for get some new adventures in their life. All are got bore when you do the same thing at same time & same place for like everyday. So travel is a medium for get out from those things & get a new adventure. Like A trip is the perfect time to do something different & exciting, What you can't do while staying at home. When you got into a new place the thrill starts by the time you reach that place. It could be for the street food you got or for the new people you meet also for the new culture you get to see. All will be a new adventure on itself. After all these excitements when you return home you will feel the adventures you got while you on that trip.

2. Escaping from your daily routine or bad things from your life.

Yeah it the second most best thing why people love to travel. All are getting bore from their daily routine, work etc. So they need a break from those. That is why travel is a good source for leave your anxiety at home & get free from those. Not just daily work or routine It helps on other things also.
Like A demanding job, A bad break up or The loss of a loved one. All these things are gonna go away after you travel. people seek from their travels what they don’t have back home: better weather, nicer scenery, the freedom to do what they want, experiences they can’t normally have, a slower relaxing pace. Not at least but at last when you return to home you can feel free with a fresh mind to do a new start.

3. Celebrating.

There’s always a happy reason to take a trip. It could be a landmark birthday or anniversary. A graduation. A wedding – or pre-wedding festivities. Even a babymoon before a little one arrives. A special occasion is made even more special by celebrating away from the hectic pace of life at home. It’s also a good way to gather family and friends from distant corners to mark the milestone. Celebration vacations provide a lasting benefit as well: shared memories for a lifetime.

4.Appreciating your life.

People always think that where they live or what they do is not good from other places. Like they feel that their hometown, or state is no better from others. So when they travel they will get to know about it. Like they will appreciate their life, their work, their hometown, state & country also. May be Exploring another place will give you a fresh appreciation for your hometown, country and “real life.” Once you’re back, you’ll feel lucky to live where you do. You’ll see that there really is no place like home.

5. Learning. 

I don't know why I stated at last, but I think it's the great reason for why people love to travel.
Who don't want to learn new things. Learning is not only in study books, when you travel you will learn a lots of things by that time.Seeing the world is more educational than a high school or college class. This condensed crash course in discovering how the rest of the world lives actually will cover subjects like history, geography and sociology. Every destination has something unique to teach visitors, and immersing themselves in a completely different world is the best learning experience.

     People may travel for learning special things - A religion, a language , a  culture, a new cuisine, aspects of a different culture, or a deeper appreciation of faith or spirituality.They will also discover totally different ways of doing things. And lastly  because you’re actually experiencing this learning in real life, not reading it in a textbook, it will stay with you for a long time.Also you will very grateful to yourself that you decided to travel.

So these are the five reasons I describe why people love to travel. You can comment me about other reasons which Should be here & which didn't listed so please comment me..



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