
Showing posts from April, 2021


  As I described in my last post the way of "making mind your own". In this post I'm gonna share about all the details about those options which I wrote last time.. First lets discus about those five ways, those are; 1.Ask and it is given 2.Act as if  3.Upgrade your enviornment 4.Make a vision board 5.Love yourself. Now lets start one by one; 1. ASK AND ITS GIVEN   First Get quiet, get in The Zone, and get touch with source energy. Clear out all things in your brain and create a clean, uncluttered space to impress the thoughts of what you want into the giant thinking substance that is Source Energy. Ask yourself first, that what you want, send out a nice clear message in a nice, clear space and begin the process. Everything depends on our mind , we just have to make it clear rather than a chatter box where our mind works nothing, then we have to connect to Source energy with clear mind, then we can .. 2.ACT AS IF   If you want something very badly, even if you don't h

How to make your brain your own !! Simple & easy

                    " Mind is the master power that molds and makes                      And man is mind and everyone he takes                     The tool of thoughts and shaping what he wills                     Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.                     He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:                     Environment is but his looking glass." Our thoughts are the most powerful tools we've got. I think, I can create awesomeness. Or horrendousness. But the bottom line is that it's through our thoughts that we create realities.   The main thing we got is our mind in which way we can use that that's depend upon us.  This is why positive thinking is all the rage and negative subconscious beliefs so gnraly and why meditation, and learning to guide your thoughts and love yourself, can change your life and others also who're around you. To think what you want to think is to think the truth, regardless of appearances. Because where


  In order to truly raise our vibration, we have got to believe that everything we want is available to us. And the best way to keep this belief strong is by staying connected to Source Energy (God). It’s like we are surrounded by this big, all-you-can-eat buffet of incredible experiences & insights & feelings & opportunities & things & people & ways to share our gifts with the world, and all we have to do is align our energy with what we want & take decisive actions to allow this good into our lives . We have to take action- hell-bent-for-glory kind of action.  The trick is to have both parts -energy & action- working in unison: unless our energy is lined up properly with that which we desire, really desire, any action we take is going to require way more effort to get us where we want to go, if it gets us there at all. Once in a while we may get lucky doing one without the other , but if we get very clear on what we truly want (rather than what we thin